Brochure design

Here are some examples of brochures I have worked on. Some brochures I have developed the design layout style from scratch and others I have worked with existing brand guidelines. In all the brochures I made sure the typography was consistent and to a good standard throughout and that the images were print quality. Before going to print I did all the pre-print checks and proof-reading.

Brochure for S&C Slatter : I came up with a clean, minimalist design which would make the most of the photographs. I needed to do extensive Photoshop work on the photographs of the artificial grass pitches and surrounding areas.

Brochure for Oxford Filtration : This was a very technical brochure which needed tables and diagrams which required accuracy and attention to detail.

Brochure for Penshurst Church : Working as part of the Inca creative team, I helped to produce this guidebook for Penshurst Medieval Church in Kent along with display boards, a leaflet and a website. 

Booklet for Profeet : As well as producing the page layouts for this booklet I also created several illustrations and infographics to accompany the text.
Brochure design